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Hani Massage
ジャボデタベックコールマッサージ | Traditional Massage
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On-call massage service in the Jakarta, Cikarang, Bekasi, Bogor, Depok. It is ready to meet the needs of massage whenever you need it. Along with a professional, young and experienced therapist. It always provides comfort for a comfortable and high quality massage experience.
伝統的なマッサージ、リフレクソロジー、スパ、ルルールとスクラブ、バイタリティ マッサージのリクエストを受け付けています。 ホテル、アパート、家、下宿、その他の住居に召喚できます。
We accept requests for traditional massage, reflexology, spa, rules and scrubs, vitality massage. We can attend to hotels, apartments, houses, lodgings, and other residences.
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コールマッサージ | Call massage
ジャカルタ、ボゴール、デポック、タンゲラン、ブカシおよびその周辺地域にサービスを提供しています。We provide services in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi and surrounding areas.
Hani Massage
必要なときにいつでもあなたの住居に来る準備ができています。 セラピストが30分以内にお客様の場所に到着するようにします。
Ready to come to your place whenever you need. Make sure the therapist arrives at your place within 30 minutes.
Please make a reservation for the desired service hours.
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Massage helps restore physical health, relax muscles and get rid of fatigue after a day of activity.
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臓器やその他の体の部分に接続されているツボを使ったマッサージ テクニック。
A massage technique that uses acupuncture points that are connected to organs and other body parts.
Traditional Massage
350 k (90 minutes)
400 k (120 minutes)
Fitness Massage
400 k (60 minutes)
500 k (90 minutes)
600 k (120 minutes)
Massage + Body Scrub
350 k (60 minutes)
400 k (90 minutes)
500 k (120 minutes)
18-hour on-call massage in the Jakarta, Cikarang, Bekasi, Bogor, Depok
a young and experienced therapist
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Massage is accompanied by body scrubbing, which can remove dead skin cells from the body and restore youthfulness to the skin.
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Massage that increases endurance by compressing or rubbing vital parts of the body.
Our Therapist | hani massage
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Place of Origin: Semarang
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Birthplace: Yogyakarta
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Place of Origin: Makassar
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Birthplace: Bandung
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Place of Origin: Bogor
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Looking for a Call Therapist in Jakarta?
18 時間体制で、いつでもサービスを提供する準備ができています。
It is available 18 hours a day and is ready to serve you at any time.